Sunday, 25 March 2012

The "Build-A-Bear" Wedding by Carter

On Sunday, March 18 Rainbow Dolphin Blumes married Candy Sugarblossum Lewis. The happy couple is now lying in bed. I am sorry you all were not invited but it was a very exclusive wedding (my family was not invited either!) Only 3 of my friends with build-a-bears made the list. But I will share the pictures and here is the story...
My friend Katie gave me a build-a-bear "Candy". When I introduced her to Rainbow it was love a first sight. So I decided to make a wedding for them. We put up decorations and made wedding clothes for the bride and groom and we even had a real official "Tex" (that's my other build-a-bear). We also made wedding cupcakes and we were going to have a dance but since we were so hot we decided to go in the pool. Mr. and Mrs. Build-a-Bear rode off into the sunset in their orange ride-on car complete with "Just married" signs and beer/bear cans. They are going to Calgary on their honeymoon in July.

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