Friday, 6 April 2012

Talent Show

The long anticipated Talent Show has come and gone. We were all stars that evening as you can tell by the pictures. Jorja and Carter performed "If you are Happy and You Know it" (Jorja was the marionetta and Carter the puppeteer in case you haven't figured that out!) Fun evening had by all until Lindsay's "diva" like behavior due to being up past her bedtime (or maybe it was the champagne) required an early exit by some of us. It was quite a show with magic, song and dance, a dog and horses making appearances.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! perfect pics!
    Gina, I miss your awesome costumes!
    Carter and Jorja, great job in the talent show!
    Lindsay, have a glass (or 2) for me!
    love you all!
